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FirstCry Intellitots, Nirvana Country - A Digital Transformation Success Story


In November 2022, FirstCry Intellitots, Nirvana Country, a leading preschool chain in Gurgaon, approached our digital marketing agency with a unique challenge – to boost admissions and rejuvenate their brand image in a competitive market.


  1. Low Visibility: The preschool faced low visibility in the local market, hindering its potential for admissions.
  2. Stagnant Admissions: Admissions had plateaued, and the school needed a fresh approach to attract new enrollments.
  3. Outdated Branding: The school’s branding needed a revamp to reflect its commitment to excellence and modern educational practices.

Our Approach:

Understanding the unique challenges faced by FirstCry Intellitots, we devised a comprehensive digital marketing and rebranding strategy aimed at rejuvenating the school’s image and driving significant admissions growth.

Digital Marketing Strategies:

Targeted Online Campaigns:

Leveraged targeted social media advertising to reach parents in Gurgaon.

Utilized PPC campaigns on search engines to capture parents actively searching for preschools.

Engaging Content Creation:

Conducted on-site visits to capture high-quality photos and videos showcasing the school’s facilities, teaching methodologies, and happy students.

Created engaging content for social media, website, and promotional materials.

Social Media Optimization:

Revamped and optimized social media profiles for increased visibility.

Implemented regular posting schedules with relevant and engaging content.

Refreshing Brand Identity:

Conducted a thorough assessment of the existing brand identity and proposed a refreshed, modern look.

Redesigned the logo, color palette, and marketing collateral for a contemporary feel.

On-site Visibility:

Organized on-site photo and video shoots to capture the vibrant atmosphere of the school.

Used visuals to highlight the school’s facilities, teaching methods, and the nurturing environment.

Local Partnerships:

Forged partnerships with local businesses and influencers to enhance the school’s community presence.

Collaborated with parenting forums and local events to reinforce the school’s connection with the community.


In just one quarter, the combined efforts of our digital marketing and rebranding strategies resulted in remarkable outcomes:

150% Growth in Admissions:

Forged partnerships with local businesses and influencers to enhance the school’s community presence.

Collaborated with parenting forums and local events to reinforce the school’s connection with the community.

Enhanced Visibility:

The school witnessed a surge in online visibility, reaching a broader audience through social media and local search engine optimization. We have taken them from 10 Calls a Month to 45 Calls in a six month span.

Rejuvenated Brand Image:

The rebranding efforts successfully transformed the school’s image, portraying it as a modern, nurturing, and top-tier educational institution.

Positive Community Engagement:

Local partnerships and community engagement initiatives fostered a positive relationship with parents and the community, contributing to the school’s reputation.


The collaboration with FirstCry Intellitots stands as a testament to the transformative power of strategic digital marketing and rebranding. By revitalizing the school’s online presence, refreshing its brand identity, and fostering community engagement, we not only exceeded admissions expectations but also positioned FirstCry Intellitots as a leading preschool in Gurgaon. This case study highlights the impact of a holistic approach in driving success in the competitive landscape of educational institutions.

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