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Powering Caribou World's Digital Ascent with OptMum Digital

Client Overview:

Caribou World, a distinguished extension board manufacturer based in Noida, India, emerged under the umbrella of the Largest Manufacturer of Extension Boards in November 2022. Tasked with establishing a robust online presence, Caribou World partnered with OptMum Digital, a leading Digital Marketing Agency in Gurgaon.

Challenges Faced:

Digital Absence: Caribou World entered the digital realm with limited visibility, necessitating a comprehensive online strategy.

E-commerce Market Entry: The challenge of navigating the complexities of e-commerce platforms, particularly Amazon and Flipkart, for optimal market penetration.

Brand Recognition: With a new identity, Caribou World sought to establish brand recognition in a competitive market.

Our Approach:

OptMum Digital adopted a multifaceted approach to address Caribou World’s challenges and propel its digital journey to success.

Website Development:

Objective: Craft a user-centric website to showcase Caribou World’s product range and enhance online visibility.

Execution: Designed and developed a modern, intuitive website, presenting the brand’s identity and product offerings effectively.

E-commerce Presence:

Objective: Establish and optimize accounts on Amazon and Flipkart for increased product visibility and sales.

Execution: Strategically created and managed Caribou World’s accounts on both platforms, optimizing product listings to drive engagement and conversions.

Social Media Marketing:

Objective: Leverage social media platforms to enhance brand awareness and foster customer engagement.

Execution: Implemented a targeted social media marketing strategy across platforms to showcase product features, share industry insights, and actively engage with the audience.


Enhanced Online Visibility:

Caribou World’s website became a digital showcase, contributing to increased online visibility within a competitive market.

Successful E-commerce Entry:

OptMum Digital’s strategic approach to Amazon and Flipkart account creation led to optimized product listings, resulting in heightened visibility and increased sales.

Robust Social Media Presence:

Active social media engagement contributed to an expanding online community, establishing Caribou World as a reputable player in the extension board industry.


The collaborative efforts between Caribou World and OptMum Digital stand as a testament to the transformative power of a comprehensive digital strategy. From the inception of a user-centric website to successful integration into e-commerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart, and the active engagement fostered through social media marketing, Caribou World’s digital journey has been one of resounding success.

Current Status:

As of now, Caribou World is experiencing a significant upswing in response and offers on e-commerce platforms, particularly Amazon and Flipkart. The digital strategies implemented by OptMum Digital continue to yield tangible results, solidifying Caribou World’s position as a prominent player in the extension board market.

This case study exemplifies the potency of a well-executed digital strategy in establishing and enhancing the online presence of businesses, setting the stage for sustained growth and success in the competitive digital landscape.

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